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Authors: Matthias Wessendorf (Red Hat), Dave Protasowski (VMware)

Date: 2022-08-25

Announcing Knative 1.7 Release

A new version of Knative is now available across multiple components.

Follow the instructions in Installing Knative to install the components you require.

This release brings a number of smaller improvements to the core Knative Serving and Eventing components, and several improvements to specific plugins, in particular net-kourier, net-gateway-api, and eventing-rabbitmq.

Table of Contents


Release Notes

💫 New Features & Changes

  • Adds a annotation that allows the user to set a minimum number of replicas when not scaled to zero. Note that the initial target scale for a revision is still handled by initial-scale; activation-scale will only apply on subsequent scales from zero. #13161

🐞Bug Fixes

  • Readiness probes no longer fail if the user container is restarted (due to a liveness probe failure). #13229


Release Notes

💫 New Features & Changes

  • Traces generated by ApiServerSource includes some k8s attributes. #6458
  • The delivery timeout feature is now beta and enabled by default. #6472
  • The strict subscriber feature for Subscription API is now beta and enabled by default. When the reply field is specified without a subscriber, the reply field won't be used as a subscriber by default. #6473


Release Notes

🐞Bug Fixes

  • Fix mounted PVC not to be created as read-only. #1709


Release Notes

Networking Extensions

kourier plugin

💫 New Features & Changes

  • The timeout can be configured via stream-idle-timeout in config-kourier, the default value is set to "infinity" which means there is no timeout. Users can change this value in config-kourier with decimal numbers plus a unit suffix such as "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". #878

Eventing Extensions

Apache Kafka Broker and Source

💫 New Features & Changes

  • Changed partition strategy for rebalancing from default (RangeAssignor) to StickyAssignor . #2299
  • Failed events are now decorated with Knative error extensions when routed to the deadLetterSink for more context. #2374

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Kafka Broker and KafkaSink ignore a trailing slash in the HTTP path. #2462

Thank you, contributors

Release Leads:


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