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SinkBinding reference

API version v1

This topic provides reference information about the configurable parameters for SinkBinding objects.

Supported parameters

A SinkBinding resource supports the following parameters:

Field Description Required or optional
apiVersion Specifies the API version, for example Required
kind Identifies this resource object as a SinkBinding object. Required
metadata Specifies metadata that uniquely identifies the SinkBinding object. For example, a name. Required
spec Specifies the configuration information for this SinkBinding object. Required
spec.sink A reference to an object that resolves to a URI to use as the sink. Required
spec.subject A reference to the resources for which the "runtime contract" is augmented by Binding implementations. Required
spec.ceOverrides Defines overrides to control the output format and modifications to the event sent to the sink. Optional

Subject parameter

The Subject parameter references the resources for which the "runtime contract" is augmented by Binding implementations.

A subject definition supports the following fields:

Field Description Required or optional
apiVersion API version of the referent. Required
kind Kind of the referent. Required
namespace Namespace of the referent. If omitted, this defaults to the object holding it. Optional
name Name of the referent. Do not use if you configure selector.
selector Selector of the referents. Do not use if you configure name.
selector.matchExpressions A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. Use one of matchExpressions or matchLabels
selector.matchExpressions.key The label key that the selector applies to. Required if using matchExpressions
selector.matchExpressions.operator Represents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. Required if using matchExpressions
selector.matchExpressions.values An array of string values. If operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch. Required if using matchExpressions
selector.matchLabels A map of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, where the key field is matchLabels.<key>, the operator is In, and the values array contains only "matchLabels.". The requirements are ANDed. Use one of matchExpressions or matchLabels

Subject parameter examples

Given the following YAML, the Deployment named mysubject in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    namespace: default
    name: mysubject

Given the following YAML, any Job with the label working=example in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
    namespace: default
        working: example

Given the following YAML, any Pod with the label working=example OR working=sample in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    namespace: default
      - matchExpression:
        key: working
        operator: In
          - example
          - sample

CloudEvent Overrides

CloudEvent Overrides defines overrides to control the output format and modifications of the event sent to the sink.

A ceOverrides definition supports the following fields:

Field Description Required or optional
extensions Specifies which attributes are added or overridden on the outbound event. Each extensions key-value pair is set independently on the event as an attribute extension. Optional


Only valid CloudEvent attribute names are allowed as extensions. You cannot set the spec defined attributes from the extensions override configuration. For example, you can not modify the type attribute.

CloudEvent Overrides example

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
      extra: this is an extra attribute
      additional: 42


This results in the K_CE_OVERRIDES environment variable being set on the subject as follows:

{ "extensions": { "extra": "this is an extra attribute", "additional": "42" } }

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