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Configuring Log Settings

Log configuration for all Knative components is managed through the config-logging ConfigMap in the corresponding namespace. For example, Serving components are configured through config-logging in the knative-serving namespace and Eventing components are configured through config-logging in the knative-eventing namespace, etc.

Knative components use the zap logging library; options are documented in more detail in that project.

In addition to zap-logger-config, which is a general key that applies to all components in that namespace, the config-logging ConfigMap supports overriding the log level for individual components.

ConfigMap key Description
zap-logger-config A JSON object container for a zap logger configuration. Key fields are highlighted below.
zap-logger-config.level The default logging level for components. Messages at or above this severity level will be logged.
zap-logger-config.encoding The log encoding format for component logs (defaults to JSON).
zap-logger-config.encoderConfig A zap EncoderConfig used to customize record contents.
loglevel.<component> Overrides logging level for the given component only. Messages at or above this severity level will be logged.

Log levels supported by Zap are:

  • debug - fine-grained debugging
  • info - normal logging
  • warn - unexpected but non-critical errors
  • error - critical errors; unexpected during normal operation
  • dpanic - in debug mode, trigger a panic (crash)
  • panic - trigger a panic (crash)
  • fatal - immediately exit with exit status 1 (failure)
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