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Checking your Knative version

To check the version of your Knative installation, use one of the following commands, depending on whether you installed Knative with YAML or with the Operator.

If you installed with YAML

To verify the version of the Knative component that you have running on your cluster, query for the <component> label.

Check the installed Knative Serving version by running the command:

kubectl get namespace knative-serving -o 'go-template={{index .metadata.labels ""}}'

Example output:


Check the installed Knative Eventing version by running the command:

kubectl get namespace knative-eventing -o 'go-template={{index .metadata.labels ""}}'

Example output:


If you installed with the Operator

To verify the version of your current Knative installation:

Check the installed Knative Serving version by running the command:

kubectl get KnativeServing knative-serving --namespace knative-serving

Example output:

NAME              VERSION         READY   REASON
knative-serving   0.23.0          True

Check the installed Knative Eventing version by running the command:

kubectl get KnativeEventing knative-eventing --namespace knative-eventing

Example output:

NAME               VERSION         READY   REASON
knative-eventing   0.23.0          True
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